Saturday August 19th 10-5
VFW POST #3199 2801 West Hatch Rd. Modesto
- Set up 9:00 AM
- Event opens at 10:00 AM.
- The event ends at 5:00 PM. There is no early take down.
- Single booth 10 by 10. The event is outside in a grassy area with limited shade. There is no electricity.
- Vendors are responsible for supplying tables, chairs, and easy ups.
- Vendors are responsible to donate a raffle prize with a minimum of $25 value.
- Sharing of booths is not allowed.
- No refunds or rollovers on vendor fees. This is a fundraiser for a nonprofit.
There will be basic oral care services, basic medical screenings, basic vision services, classic car show, cornhole tournament, children’s water slides, dunk tank, photo booth, food, music, raffle prizes. You are responsible for your safety, and product while setting up, during the event as well as during the breakdown after the event. You must leave your space FREE OF ANY GARBAGE after the event. You are assuming all responsibility for yourself, your representatives, and your business (booth) and product while participating in this event. You will be assigned a vendor space and will be directed to it as you arrive.
You will pull up to the vendor drop off and unload. You will then need to quickly move your vehicles to PARK OUSITE THE VENUE along the street. There will be no vendor parking in the parking lot as space is limited.
Loading up after the event will be a similar process.
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