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The undersigned (on my own behalf and on the behalf of my heirs, personal, representatives and assigns), and to participate in the Patriot Ride, hereby
release its organizers, members, and other action of any kind whatsoever which have or later may have resulting from, arising out of or in connection with my participation in this ride.

The release extends to any and all claims I have or may have against the released parties whether such claims result from negligence (except willful neglect) on the part of any or all released parties with respect to this event, of with respect to the conditions, qualifications, instructions or procedures under which this event is conducted ot from any injuries resulting to my property or myself during or in convection with this event. I am experienced and familiar with the operation of motorcycles and fully understand the risks and dangers inherent to motorcycling. I am voluntarily participating in the event and I expressly agree to assume the entire risk of any accidents or personal injury including death, which I might suffer as a result of my participation in the event whether such risks result from negligence (except willful neglect) on the part of any or all of the released parties.

We are proud to collaborate with Veterans In Action and their mission to support Veterans with PTSD & Suicide Prevention. Many of their members as well as others on this ride may be on an addiction or recovery journey.

No alcoholic beverages will be served during the ride. Alcoholic beverages may be purchased at the event site. Alcoholic beverages will not be allowed in restricted areas.

Any consumption of alcoholic beverages will be at the will of the undersigned the released parties strongly advise the undersigned not to engage or consume alcoholic beverages or other products that might impair your judgement, before or during this ride.

All sales are final

No Refunds, No Returns.

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Contact us at [email protected] for any questions.